Three Dimensional Therapy (T3)

After thoughts are created in our conscious mind, they transfer to our subconscious mind. When many thoughts of the same type are repeatedly deposited into the subconscious mind, there can be long lasting effects on our minds and body.

We’ll use an abusive relationship for an example. As you are told that you aren’t good enough, these negative thoughts enter your conscious mind. As they leave the conscious mind, they then enter the subconscious mind. As the abuse continues and the quantity and strength of these thoughts increase, a negative belief develops within the subconscious mind. Eventually, this thought has been reinforced so strongly that there is a powerful subconscious belief that the negative thoughts true. As a result, this belief, is manifested in the person’s conscious actions, attitudes, and beliefs about themselves. This can be absolutely crippling in a person’s life. The negative program will manifest in every aspect of life and keep you from achieving your goals and being happy, healthy, and successful.

Three Dimensional Therapy (T3) is a new form of energy medicine that is complementary to Body Code and Emotion Code. Often referred to as “Emotional Surgery”, it is a life-changing strategy for remedying deep roots of behaviors and illnesses.

Using muscle testing,  negative core beliefs and the wording of the belief within your subconscious mind can be detected.  Once the negative beliefs have been identified, they can then be removed.  Unlike conscious beliefs, subconscious beliefs are stored resonant energy that has a specific vibration. As we discover the beliefs, we can use magnetic energy to disrupt the resonant energy, and therefore dismantle and destroy the negative belief.

As a result, this amazing therapy literally changes your thought patterns! Without these negative beliefs impacting our lives, we are able to live with improved health and energy while experiencing new freedom to achieve our true potential.
