The Body Code

The Body Code system was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, one of the world’s foremost experts in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology. The Body Code is an intuitive and comprehensive method of body balancing and is aimed at identifying and correcting imbalances that regularly go unnoticed. By removing the imbalances, we allow the body’s self-healing to perform at its optimum level. As a result of this new functionality, pain and dysfunction of the body often disappear, organs perform their abilities effectively, energy levels increase, and emotional issues become less severe or nonexistent.

The body is composed of energy. This energy can be strongly affected in many different ways, and we often see the results of imbalances manifested as physical symptoms. Symptoms are a result of imbalances in one of the following areas: Circuitry (organs, glands, muscles), Energetic (usually emotions), Pathogens (bacterial, viral, mold, etc.), Nutritional (food and nutrients), Structural (bones, nerves, connective tissue), and Toxicity (heavy metals, harsh chemicals).

Nearly every health problem that we encounter can be tracked back to an imbalance in one of the 6 categories. The Body Code utilizes the power of our subconscious mind and muscle testing to quickly identify and correct these harmful imbalances.

While Emotion Code is focused more on correcting emotional imbalances, The Body Code is focused on discovering, identifying, and releasing many different types of imbalances within the physical human body.
